Friday, August 7, 2009

Live Simply

Live simply so that others may simply live
— to detach with material things, including, in the first place, money.
— to detach with distorted beliefs, including ideas of how things ought to be, how people should live their lives.
— to detach with destructive emotion, such as anger, resentment, revenge, jealousy, hatred, shame, guilt, regret, blame and most important of all, fear.......

And take responsibility, starting with yourself, your own body, mind, emotions and then the people and things in your immediate circle. In this way, you live at all times as you would want everyone to live, in peace, with respect, in compassion, with forgiveness, in service, with generosity, in humility, with humanity, and the other noble virtues we have been pondering since the time of Socrates and Confucius.

Monday, August 3, 2009

And yet that's not enough


Summer is fleeing.
And soon will be nothing left.
We're so happy in the sun
And yet that's not enough.
A four-leaves clover rests on my hand
And yet that's not enough.
Good and evil haven't passed in vain.
All was limpid and bright
And yet that's not enough.
Life takes me under its wing
and carries me off.
I have been lucky
And yet that's not enough.
Leaves and twigs aren't dead
The day is as clear as crystal
And yet that's not enough.