Monday, May 17, 2010

Don, August 21, 1953 — May 12, 2010

Charles Dickens hates lawyers.
Everyone in his books is redeemable, except lawyers, who
for Dickens as for Shakespeare constituted the Devil's profession.
Don was a lawyer, he didn't like it neither.
He didn't send invoices most of the time.
He wants to be a architect, (Frank Gehry, lucky you)
Can a lawyer be a good man?
Perhaps, may be, one in a million?
Yes, that one is Don.
He was the poorest lawyer I'd ever known, in money term,
and yet he was the wealthiest of them all.

1 comment:

  1. Good kind spirited Leo - adventurous, loved to be the centre of attention, loved the respect he was so worthy of.
