Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Yoji Yamada Samurai Series

たそがれ清兵衛 The Twilight Samurai

by 山田 洋次 Yoji Yamada, 2002

隠し剣 鬼の爪 The Hidden Blade

by 山田 洋次 Yoji Yamada, 2004

武士の一分 Love and Honor 

by 山田 洋次 Yoji Yamada, 2006

The Twilight Samurai was nominated in the Best Foreign Language Film category. The first part of a trilogy followed by The Hidden Blade and Love And Honor. It was seen as a strong contender to win the Best Foreign Language Film, but missed out on the famous gold statue to Denys Arcand’s Canadian-French drama, The Barbarian Invasions. Once again, The Academy Awards was a snob.

Yôji Yamada 山田 洋次, September 13, 1931. Happy 86th Birthday!